Peer-reviewed publications


Ydesen, C. & Hansen, I.S. (2021) Globale rammesætninger af elevevalueringer og inklusion i folkeskolen, CEPRA-striben

Sorensen, T. B., Ydesen, C., & Robertson, S. L. (2021). Re-reading the OECD and education: The emergence of a global governing complex – an introduction. Globalization, Societies and Education, 19(2), 99-107. https://10.1080/14767724.2021.1897946

Ydesen, C. & Dorn, S. (2021) The No Child Left Behind Act in the Global Architecture of Educational Accountability, History of Education Quaterly (Forthcoming)

Milner, A. L., Mattei, P., & Ydesen, C. (2021). Governing education in times of crisis: State interventions and school accountabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. European Educational Research Journal, 20(4), 520–539.

Grek, S., & Ydesen, C. (2021). Where science met policy: Governing by indicators and the OECD’s INES programme. Globalization, Societies and Education, 19(2), 122-137. https://10.1080/14767724.2021.1892477

Friche, N., Enemark, N. R., & Ydesen, C. (2021). Guaranteeing positive destinations for youth in a danish municipality: The transfer, translation, and transformation of a policy instrument. European Educational Research Journal. https://10.1177/14749041211049909

Ydesen, C. & Andersen, C. K. (2020). Implementing inclusive education policies – the challenges of organizational change in a Danish municipality. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, 6(1), 69–78.

Ydesen, C., & Andreasen, K. E. (2020). Historical Roots of the Global Testing Culture in Education. Nordic Studies in Education, 40(2), 149–166.

Ydesen, C., & Buchardt, M. (2020) Citizen Ideals and Education in Nordic Welfare State School Reforms, Oxford research encyclopedia of education. Oxford University Press. https://10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.013.1450

Ydesen, C., & Bomholt, A. (2020). Accountability implications of the OECD’s economistic approach to education: A historical case analysis. Journal of Educational Change, vol. 21, pp. 37-57.

Ydesen, C. & Grek, S. (2020) Securing organisational survival: a historical inquiry into the OECD’s work in education during the 1960s,Paedagogica Historica, 56:3, 412-427, DOI: 10.1080/00309230.2019.1604774

Ydesen, C. & Andreasen, K. (2019) Koblinger mellem økonomi og uddannelse - et rids af dansk transnational uddannelseshistorie, EDUCARE, no. 1, pp. 1-25.

Ydesen, C., Hamre, B & Andreasen, K. (2018) Differentiation of Students in the Early Danish Welfare State: Professional Entanglements Between Educational Psychologists and Psychiatrists, Nordic Journal of Educational History, Vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 73–96

Ørskov, F. F., & Ydesen, C. (2018). Playing the game of IQ testing in England and Denmark in the 1930s–1960s—a socio-material perspective. Oxford Review of Education, 44(5), 599–615.

Kelly, P., Andreasen, K. E., Kousholt, K., McNess, E., & Ydesen, C. (2017). Education governance and standardised tests in Denmark and England. In: Journal of Education Policy, 1–20. 

Padovan-Özdemir, M. & Ydesen, C. (2016) Professional Encounters with the Post-WWII Immigrant – A Privileged Prism for Studying the Shaping of European Welfare Nation-States. In: Paedagogica Historica, Themed Issue: Shaping European Welfare Nation-States through Professional

Encounters with the Post-WWII Immigrant, Padovan-Özdemir, M. & Ydesen, C. guest eds., 52:5

Myers, K. & Ydesen, C. (2016) The Imperial Welfare State? Decolonization, education and professional interventions on immigrant children in Birmingham, 1948-1971. In: Paedagogica Historica, Themed Issue: Shaping European Welfare Nation-States through Professional Encounters with the Post-WWII Immigrant, Padovan-Özdemir, M. & Ydesen, C. guest eds., 52:5, DOI: 10.1080/00309230.2016.1192207

Andreasen, K.E. & Ydesen, C. (2016) Educating for peace: The role and impact of international organisations in interwar and post-war Danish school experiments, 1918–1975. In: Nordic Journal of Educational History, vol. 2. No. 2, pp. 3-25

Ydesen, C. (2016). Crafting the English welfare state—interventions by Birmingham Local Education Authorities, 1948–1963. British Educational Research Journal,

Christensen, I.L. & Ydesen, C. (2015) Routes of Knowledge: Towards a Methodological Framework for Tracing the Historical Impact of International Organizations. In: European Education, 47(3), pp. 274-288

Christensen, I.L. & Ydesen, C. (2015). Internationale organisationers virkningshistorie: Teoretiske og metodiske overvejelser. TEMP - tidsskrift for historie, 10, 16-33.

McNess, E.; Kelly, P.; Kousholt, K.; Andreasen, K.E.; Ydesen, C. (2015) Standardised testing in compulsory schooling in England and Denmark: – A comparative study and analysis. In: Bildung und Erziehung, 68(3), pp. 329-348

Andreasen, K.E. & Ydesen, C. (2015) Folkeskolens test- og evalueringspraksisser i internationalt perspektiv 1945-1990 [Test- and evaluation practices of the public school system in international perspective, 1945-1990]. In: Temp, vol. 10, pp. 92-115

Dorn, S. & Ydesen, C. (2014) Towards a Comparative and International History of School Testing and Accountability. In: Education Policy

Analysis Archive, vol. 22, no. 120, pp. 1-11 (

Andreasen, K.E. & Ydesen, C. (2014) Accountability Practices in the History of Danish Primary Public Education from the 1660s to the Present. In: Education Policy Analysis Archive, vol. 22, no. 120, pp. 1-31 (

Hamre, B. & Ydesen, C. (2014) The Ascent of Educational Psychology in Denmark in the Interwar Years. In: Nordic Journal of Educational History, vol. I(2), pp. 87-111

Ydesen, C. (2014) High-Stakes Educational Testing and Democracy: antagonistic or symbiotic relationship? In: Education, Citizenship and Social Justice. February, 9(2), pp. 97-114

Andreasen, K. E.; Rasmussen, A.; Ydesen, C. (2013) Standardized Testing, Sociology of Education: An A-to-Z Guide, Ainsworth, J. (ed.), vol. 2, Sage Publications, Incorporated, pp. 737-740.

Andreasen, K. E. & Rasmussen, P., Ydesen, C. (2013) Den diskrete internationalisering: Danske uddannelser i international kontekst 1968-1982 [The discrete internationalization: Danish education in international context 1968-1982]. In Uddannelseshistorie, vol. 47. pp. 36-59.

Ludvigsen, K., Lundahl, C. & Ydesen, C. (2013) Creating an educational testing profession – the emergence and impact of the Scandinavian testing community, 1920-1960. In European Educational Research Journal. Special Issue. 2013, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 120-138.

Ydesen, C. (2013) Educational Testing as an Accountability Measure: Drawing on Twentieth-century Danish History of Education Experiences. In Paedagogica Historica, 49:5, pp. 716-733.

Ydesen, C. (2012) Børn i særklasse – Lærerbedømmelser og test i det 20. Århundrede [Children in remedial education – teacher evaluations and tests in the 20th century]. In Årbog for Uddannelseshistorie.

Ydesen, C. (2012) At skabe orden i skolen – intelligenstestning på Frederiksberg 1930-1943 [Creating Order in School – Intelligence Testing at Frederiksberg, 1930-1943]. In Temp.

Ydesen, C. (2012) The international space of the Danish testing community in the interwar years. In Paedagogica Historica, 48 (4), 2012, pp. 589-599

Garsdal, J. & Ydesen, C. (2009) The debate on educational and psychological testing in the United States. In Education Review. vol. 12, no. 8, June 15.