Non-peer-reviewed publications


Ydesen, C., Acosta, F., Milner, A. L., Ruan, Y., Aderet-German, T., Caride, E. G., & Hansen, I. S. (2020). Inclusion in testing times: Implications for citizenship and participation. Background paper for the Futures of Education initiative, UNESCO.

Buchardt, M. & Ydesen C. (2014) Handling the Educational Deviant in the Danish Welfare State, 1950s-1980s. In: EDUCATION ACROSS EUROPE: A Visual Conversation, European Educational Research Association, Chapter 4, 3 pages

Andreasen, K. E.; Rasmussen, P. & Ydesen, C. (2013) Evaluering af projekt Unge i Vækst [Evaluation of the project ‘Youth in Growth’]. Forskningsrapport [Research report] nr. 29, Institut for Læring og Filosofi [Department of Learning and Philosophy], Aalborg Universitet.

Miller, T. & Ydesen, C. (2012) Bedømmelse af elever i det 20. Århundrede [Evaluation of pupils in the 20th century]. In Unge Pædagoger.

Ydesen, C. (2012) At holde skoler, lærere og elever ansvarlige – et historisk erfaringsperspektiv [Holding schools, teachers and pupils accountable – a historical perspective]. In Skolen I Morgen, 15 (5), pp- 7-8.

Ydesen, C. (2011) Risikofyldte test – erfaringer fra dansk testhistorie [High-stakes tests – experiences from Danish history of education]. In Sprogforum, 52, november. Aarhus University Press

Ydesen, C. (2011) Evaluering og skolemodenhedstest på Emdrupborg forsøgsskole [Evaluation and School readiness tests at the Emdrupborg Experimental School]. In: CEPRA-striben, September, pp. 26-33.

Andreasen, K. E. & Ydesen, C. (2011) Forsøgs- og udviklingsarbejde i grundskolen som transgressiv praksis [Experimental and development work in school as a trangressive practice]. In Akademisk Kvarter, vol. 3.

Høberg, P. & Ydesen, C. (2009) Kom nyliberalismen til Danmark i 1982? [Did neoliberalism come to Denmark in 1982?] In: Lundkvist, A. (ed.) Dansk nyliberalisme. Copenhagen: Frydenlund, pp. 153-174.

Christensen, I. L. & Ydesen, C. Staten, individet og styringen [The state, the individual and governance] . In: Lundkvist, A.(ed.) Dansk nyliberalisme. Copenhagen: Frydenlund, 2009. pp. 133-152.

Ydesen, C. (2009) Antonio Negri: mængden versus Imperiet. Antonio Negris og Michael Hardts politiske filosofi [Multitude versus Empire – Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt’s political philosophy]. In: Hansen, M. (ed.) 50 samfundstænkere. Gyldendal, pp. 593-608.