Book Chapters


Ydesen, C. (2021). Extrapolated Imperial Nationalisms in Global Education Policy Formation: An Historical Inquiry into American and Scandinavian Agendas in OECD Policy. In: D. Tröhler, N. Piattoeva, & W. Pinar (eds.), World Yearbook of Education 2022: Education, Schooling and the Global Universalization of Banal Nationalism, London: Routledge, pp. 119-135.

Ydesen, C. & Enemark, N.R. (2021) The OECD’s Boundary Work in Education in the United States and Brazil – a historical comparative analysis of two federal states, In. Paola Mattei, Xavier Dumay, Eric Mangez, Jacqueline Behrend (eds.) The Oxford Handbook on Education and Globalization. Oxford University Press

Ydesen, C. (2021) Historical Compositions of Actors in Danish Educational Testing Practices - A Prism for Unravelling Reconfigurations of Internal/External Actors in Education, In: Lubienski, C, Yemini, M. and Maxwell, C. (eds.) The Rise of External Actors in Education: Shifting Boundaries Globally and Locally, Policy Press

Ydesen, C. (2021) Crafting Globalization – A Bourdieusian Historical Approach to Studying International Organizations and Global Governance in Education, In: Robinson, Sarah; Ernst, Jette; Thomasson, Ole Jacob; Larsen, Kristian (eds.) Pierre Bourdieu in Studies of Organization and Management: Societal Change and Transforming Fields, Routledge, pp. 134-154.

Ydesen, C. (2021) Globalization and Localization in the Shaping of the Danish Public Education System – Discursive Struggles in Four Historical Educational Reforms, In: Zhao, W. & Tröhler, D. Globalization and Localization: A Euro-Asia Dialogue on 21st-Century Competency-Based Curriculum Reforms, Cham: Springer International Publishing, pp. 85-109,

Skedsmo, G., Rönnberg. L. & Ydesen, C. (2021) National Testing and Accountability in the Scandinavian Welfare States: Education Policy Translations in Norway, Denmark and Sweden. World yearbook of education 2021: accountability and datafication in the governance of education (pp. 113–129).

Reder, T. & Ydesen, C. (2021) Policy Borrowing and Evidence in Danish Education Policy Preparation - The Case of the Danish Public School Reform of 2013, In: Karseth, B., Sivesind, K. & Steiner-Khamsi, G. Evidence and Expertise in Nordic Education Policies: A Comparative Network Analysis from the Nordic Region, Palgrave (forthcoming)

Ydesen, C., Kauko, J. & Magnúsdóttir, B.R. (2021) The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - A Field Analysis of Knowledge Brokers in Denmark, Finland, and Iceland, In: Karseth, B., Sivesind, K. & Steiner-Khamsi, G. Evidence and Expertise in Nordic Education Policies: A Comparative Network Analysis from the Nordic Region, Palgrave (forthcoming)

Elfert, M. & Ydesen, C. (2020) The Rise of Global Governance in Education: The OEEC and UNESCO, 1945-1960, In Gram-Skjoldager, K., Ikonomou, H. A. and Kahlert, T. (eds.) Organizing the World - International Organization and the Emergence of International Public Administration 1920-1960, London & New York: Bloomsbury, pp. 73-89

Ydesen, C. (2019) The Formation and Workings of a Global Education Governing Complex, In: Ydesen, C. (ed.) The OECD’s Historical Rise in Education: The Formation of a Global Governing Complex, Global Histories of Education, London & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 291-303.

Ydesen, C. (2019) What can we learn about global education from historical and global policy studies of the OECD? In: Ydesen, C. (ed.) The OECD’s Historical Rise in Education: The Formation of a Global Governing Complex, Global Histories of Education, London & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-14.

Øland, T., Ydesen, C., Padovan-Özdemir, M. and Moldenhawer, B. (2019) The Othered and Professionals of the Post-1945 Welfare State: Framing Studies of Statecrafting, Trine Øland, Christian Ydesen, Marta Padovan-Özdemir and Bolette Moldenhawer (eds.) Statecrafting on the Fringes: Studies of Welfare Work Addressing the Other, Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press

Ydesen, C. (2019) Statist Capital and the Public Good of the Danish Welfare Nation-State, 1945–1970s: A Comparative Historical Case Study of Individuals, Groups, and Professional Interventions, In: Trine Øland, Christian Ydesen, Marta Padovan-Özdemir and Bolette Moldenhawer (eds.) Statecrafting on the Fringes: Studies of Welfare Work Addressing the Other, Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, pp. 33-89.

Ydesen, C. & Verschaeve, J. (2018) The OECD Development Assistance Committee and Peace: Instituting Peace by Economic Means. In: Aigul Kulnazarova, A. & Popovski, V. (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Approaches to Peace, London & New York: Palgrave Macmillan

Hamre, B. Morin, A & Ydesen, C. (2018) The tension field between testing and inclusion: Introducing a research endeavour. In: Hamre, B. Morin, A & Ydesen, C. (eds.) Testing and Inclusive schooling – international challenges and opportunities, London: Routledge, pp. x-xviii

Hamre, B. Morin, A & Ydesen, C. (2018) Optimizing the educational subject between testing and inclusion in an era of neoliberalism - Musings on a research agenda and its future perspectives. In: Hamre, B. Morin, A & Ydesen, C. (eds.) Testing and Inclusive schooling – international challenges and opportunities, London: Routledge

Ydesen, C. & Au, W. (2018) Educational testing, the question of the public good, and the room for inclusion: A comparative study between Scotland and the United States. In: Hamre, B. Morin, A & Ydesen, C. (eds.) Testing and Inclusive schooling – international challenges and opportunities, London: Routledge

Buchardt, M. & Ydesen, C. (2018) Testing the Culturally Deviant of the Welfare State: Greenlandic Children and the Children of Labour Migrants in Danish Minority Education, 1960s to 1970s. In: Lawn, M. & Alarcon, C. Student Assessment Cultures in Historical Perspective, Berlin: Peter Lang

Dussel, I. & Ydesen, C. (2016) Jamie Torres Bodet and the struggle over history writing of the Americas: The Mexican Experience. In: Kulnazarova, A. &

Ydesen, C. (eds.) UNESCO Without Borders: Educational Campaigns for International Understanding, Routledge

Ydesen, C., & Castro, H. R. (2016). The Historical Confluence of Education for International Understanding and Textbook Revisions in Brazil, 1945–1960. In Kulnazarova, A. & Ydesen, C. (eds.) UNESCO Without Borders: Educational Campaigns for International Understanding, Routledge

Kulnazarova, A. & Ydesen, C. (2016) The Nature and Methodology of UNESCO’s Educational Campaigns. In: Kulnazarova, A. & Ydesen, C. (eds.) UNESCO Without Borders: Educational Campaigns for International Understanding, London: Routledge, pp. 3-12

Ydesen, C. (2016) Debating International Understanding in the Western World: The American Approach to UNESCO’s Educational Campaigns, 1946-54. In: Kulnazarova, A. & Ydesen, C. (eds.) UNESCO Without Borders: Educational Campaigns for International Understanding, London: Routledge, pp. 239-255

Dussel, I. & Ydesen, C. (2016) UNESCO and the Improvement of History Textbooks in Mexico, 1945-1960. In: Duedahl, P. (ed.) The History of UNESCO: Global Actions and Impacts, Palgrave MacMillan

Andreasen, K.E. & Ydesen, C. (2016) The International Space of the Danish Testing Community in the Post-war Years. In: Smith, Willam C. (ed.) The Global Testing Culture: Shaping Education Policy, Perceptions, and Practice, Oxford Studies in Comparative Education, pp. 115-130.

Ydesen, C., & Øland, T. (2015). Professional Interventions as a State-Crafting Grammar: Using a Sociological Concept of State in Historical Research. In M. Lytje, T. K. Nielsen, & M. Ottoway Jørgensen (Eds.), Challenging Ideas?: Theory and Empirical Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities (pp. 140-160). Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.

Jacobsen, A.J. & Ydesen, C. (2015) Forsvarets udvælgelse af pilotaspiranter – test som egnethedsinstrument [The Selection of Military Pilots – Testing as an instrument of aptitude]. In: Buchardt, M.; Andreasen, K.E.; Rasmussen, A.; Ydesen, C. (Eds.) Test og prøvelser - Oprindelse, udvikling, aktualitet [Tests and Assessments – Origin, Development, Actuality]. Aalborg: Aalborg University Press

Andreasen, K.E. & Ydesen, C. (2015) Skolemoden og skoleparat - Vurderinger af børn ved overgangen til skolen [School maturity and school readiness – assessments of pre-school children]. Buchardt, M.; Andreasen, K.E.; Rasmussen, A.; Ydesen, C. (Eds.) Test og prøvelser - Oprindelse, udvikling, aktualitet [Tests and Assessments – Origin, Development, Actuality]. Aalborg: Aalborg University Press

Andreasen, K.E. & Ydesen, C. (2014) Test, prøver og eksamener i sociologisk perspektiv [Tests and exams in a sociological perspective]. In: Rasmussen, Jens & Dorf, Hans (eds.) Pædagogisk sociologi. Hans Reitzels forlag, chapter 7, pp. 147-162

Ydesen, C. (2014) Skolens nye eksperter [The school’s new experts]. In: Coninck-Smith, & Appel, C. Dansk skolehistorie. Hverdag, vilkår og visioner gennem 500 år [Schools in Denmark: A History of Everyday Life, Conditions, and Visions over 500 Years], vol. IV, chapter 13, pp. 242-256.

Ydesen, C. (2013) The creative democratic potential of the multitude: Solidarity and love as transcendence in immanence. In: Agustin, O. G. & Ydesen, C. (eds.) Post-Crisis Perspectives – The Common and its Powers. Frankfurt a.M: Peter Lang Verlag.

Ydesen, C., & Agustin, O. G. (2013). In Search of Post-Crisis Perspectives. In: Agustin, O. G. & Ydesen, C. (eds.) Post-Crisis Perspectives – The Common and its Powers. Frankfurt a.M: Peter Lang Verlag

Ydesen, C. (2011) Totality and exteriority: the case of high-stakes testing in intercultural education. In: Kofoed, O.; Paulsen, M; Rasmussen, J.K.; Ydesen, C. (eds.) Learning from the Other. NSU Press. Aarhus Universitetsforlag, 2011, pp. 219-227

Ydesen, C. (2011) Educating Greenlanders and Germans - Minority Education in the Danish Commonwealth, 1945-1970. In: Niedrig, H., Ydesen, C. (eds.) Writing Postcolonial Histories of Intercultural Education. Frankfurt a.M: Peter Lang Verlag. 2011, pp. 239-267.

Ydesen, C. (2010) Educational selection technologies in neocolonial Greenland - The preparation scheme in the Greenlandic educational system 1961–1976. In: Larsson, Esbjörn & Westberg, Johannes (eds.) Utbildningens sociala och kulturella historia. Uppsala, pp. 147-167.